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Budget with Activity and Location in Next Project - NEW BUDGET
Budget with Activity and Location in Next Project - NEW BUDGET

This article describes how to create and work with your budget in Next Project.

Updated over a week ago

Please note that this article shows Next's budget module with the dimensions Activity and Location enabled. If these are not available in your database, contact Next for more information or click here to order.

Next allows you to create, edit, and follow up on your production budget for a project. The budget is divided into a cost and revenue tab, where costs can be broken down by the dimensions Account, Activity, and Location.

In the budget tab, there are several columns that work as follows:

Column Name



Ability to make a note on the row you are on, e.g., for internal information.

Account Number

Account number for the cost. An account number from Next's chart of accounts. Can be matched with another account through the Calculation import. This is a mandatory dimension.

Account Name

Description of the account number.


An optional dimension for cost. Used to break down and group costs. Can be added through Imports manually on projects or from the standard activity register.


An optional dimension for cost. Used to break down and group costs. Can be added through Imports manually on projects or from the standard activity register.

Calculated Cost

The original estimated cost for this project. Cannot be changed after creation.


Adjustment to the original estimate. Adjustments can be made manually by changing this column in the production budget quantity or unit cost.

Production Budget

Production Budget Calculated Cost + adjustment. This is the budget you work with in the forecast.


A code describing the resource.


Text describing this specific budget line.

Account Type

Category describing the type of account used. Can be set in the chart of accounts.


Quantity of resource.


Unit of resource.


Unit cost. Cost per each unit.


Additional information about this budget line. Searchable via filter.

Changed by

Who made the last change to the budgeted account.


Date of the last account change in the budget.

Columns regarding VO

No longer available in the version of Next released 11/3-2024

The total cost of the project is best tracked in the forecast module. Create a forecast to see project results.


In the toolbar under the budget tab, there are several buttons (as seen in the image above):

  • New: Create a new row in the budget – adds a row where you can enter a calculation item.

  • Save: Saves changes.

  • Delete: Remove one or several rows from the budget.

  • Revision: Dropdown menu to switch between different budget revisions.

  • Add budget line: Add a budget line with the possibility to fetch resources from the price list or hourly rates.

  • Edit budget line: Edit a budget line with the possibility to fetch resources from the price list or hourly rates.

  • Create budget from: Two options: Excel/Data Creates a budget from supported file formats (See more under the import section) Calculation import that supports specific files from supported calculation software providers.

  • Merge rows: Merge selected rows to the smallest common denominator and update that row with user input. Often used to lower the level of detail when purchasing a service instead of performing it yourself.

  • Change log: Logs every change in the budget from creation to update, including the deletion of rows. Full traceability at the row level, including the date and time down to the minute when the change occurred.

  • Missing in Budget: A dialogue that shows you potential errors in your budget. Shows data from Next that cannot be linked to a corresponding budget line.

  • Summary: A dialogue that summarizes data in your budget. Shows aggregated views of resources, accounts, or activities. Gives you the opportunity to update specific data.

  • Create purchase: Create purchase posts or purchase rows on existing purchases.

  • Activities/Location: Project register of available activity and location codes.

  • Print: Print a PDF report.

Importing Budget from File

You can import calculations from Wikells and BidCon or via Excel. In Wikells and BidCon, there's an export option to Next Project.

Calculation Import

To start the import, click on "create budget from", then select "Calculation".

In the calculation import dialogue, you can drag and drop a file or upload it from the explorer. This import only supports .SKV and .TXT formats.

Once the file is uploaded, it's possible to change account mapping (see more under the section on account mapping). Based on the account mapping, the system suggests an account where labor cost (Account for salary) falls; this can be changed at this step. The import also detects which system the file comes from and suggests which data can be used as activity in Next. Click continue, and the file is read and processed.

Since this is a file from a known system, Next automatically matches the correct column in the file with the correct column in Next. As a user, you have the choice to adjust this matching. This might be necessary if there are accounts or units that Next does not recognize.

Accounts will be matched against the Account Mapping chosen during the import and against Next's chart of accounts. If no suitable match is found, the user can manually match the account in the file against an account in Next.

Field matching does not need to be done at this step but can be skipped; however, it's recommended to do the matching as early as possible in the import process.

After the matching step, the user can review entries. Here, you have the opportunity to edit your import data similarly to Excel.

Next will also inform you of any errors preventing the system from reading the data. Here, you can directly correct errors. If a "Massive error" message appears, it indicates there are many incorrect rows in the data to be imported. The recommendation is to cancel the import, identify the source of error, correct it, and then try the import again. A common source of error is that the account mapping does not match the calculation file or that the wrong account mapping was chosen at the beginning of the import.

When there are no longer any errors, you can submit your data.

The final step in the import shows a preview of the budget lines that can be imported. You can also edit the import here through the import options. Through the import options, Next can remove rows with zero amounts and summarize similar rows. When summarizing rows, there are also options to remove certain information on rows so they can be summarized. Data that can be removed includes activity and location, as well as code and description for the different resource types in Next.

If a budget is already entered in the system, a dialogue will appear when the import is to be saved. Then you can either delete the existing budget or perform a supplementary reading of new rows.


Through the Excel import, you can bring a budget from virtually any calculation program by entering exported data from the calculation system into an Excel file. The file should contain only one type of data per column, but otherwise, Next handles the import file regardless of naming and column order. For an even simpler import, there's a template to download on the first page of the import.

Supported file formats for the import are XLS(X), CSV, TSV, XML, and JSON. The prerequisite for being able to import an Excel file is that the Account Number and Project Number are set up in Next. As long as you have that, you can read a file from virtually any program via the Excel import: To read a file, drag and drop, or alternatively choose a file from the explorer to upload in the dialogue.

If the file contains several sheets, select the sheets to be imported. Then choose which row in the file contains headings that will be used in the next step to match data in the file against Next.

If the Next template is used, the columns have been matched automatically. Next will try to match the columns even in other files; if any column lacks matching, it can be done manually at this step. For some columns, it's also possible to match data in the file against specific data in Next, for example, Account, Unit, and activity. It's not mandatory to match every account against a corresponding account in Next. However, it's recommended to do it at this step or to cancel the import and update the basic data in the file or Next.

After the matching step, the user can review entries. Here, you have the opportunity to edit your import data similarly to Excel. Next will also inform you of any errors preventing the system from reading the data. Here, you can directly correct errors. If a "Massive error" message appears, it indicates there are many incorrect rows in the data to be imported. The recommendation is to cancel the import, identify the source of error, correct it, and then try the import again.

This section provides detailed instructions on how to import budget data into Next Project from different sources, emphasizing the flexibility and capability of Next's software to accommodate data from various calculation programs. For the full translation of the document, including more detailed sections like these, following the outlined approach for translation and manual adjustments for formatting and technical accuracy is recommended.

The Project Card

Once the budget is entered into Next, the project card will be updated with budgeted values. See the "Budget" line in the box to the right in the image below.

Activity and Location

After completing the import, Next will add imported dimensions under the project register for Activities/Locations. Here, more dimensions can be manually added or retrieved from the company's standard registry.

Budget Revisions

Budget revisions allow for tracking changes and updates to the budget over time. This feature ensures transparency and control over budget adjustments, essential for managing project finances effectively.

Account Mapping/ Calculation Import

Under the tab "Administration/Integrations/Calculation Import", it is possible to create various mappings for calculation files. The mapping to be used is chosen through the import process. The mapping consists of Accounts, Roles, and Special Accounts.


  • Account (in calculation system): Can occur once.

  • Account (in Next): Account in Next's chart of accounts. Can occur multiple times.


  • Role (in calculation system): Code for labor in the calculation system.

  • Role (in Next): Code in the Hourly Rates register.

Special Accounts

  • Account Type: Account for labor used if a role cannot be matched.

  • Account (in Next): An account in Next's chart of accounts.


Module Permissions

  • Record Cost/Income/ Change Activity/Location: Allows the user to adjust the columns Activity and Location.

  • Budget: Grants the user the permission to manage the budget module.

  • Budget/Lock budget revision: Allows the user to lock and unlock a budget revision.

  • Purchasing: Allows the user to create purchase posts and rows via the budget module.

  • Forecast: Grants the user the permission to create, edit, lock, and delete forecasts.

Administrative Permission

  • Activity-based budget and forecast: Activates the columns Activity and Location in Next.

  • Manage activity: Access to the registry.

  • Manage location: Access to the registry.


  • Activity (Administration/Economy): Standard registry for activity codes and names.

  • Location (Administration/Economy): Standard registry for location codes and names.

  • Account Type (Administration/Settings/Types): Naming of account types used in the calculation import for summarizing rows and displayed in the budget.

Project Setup and Reporting

The dimensions of activity and location are found on all rows generating a cost (order lines, hours, and booked costs), just like the account dimension. These dimensions are also present in the purchasing module and E-invoice.

Unlike accounts, these dimensions are rarely found in the financial system. To facilitate users and allocate costs on the dimensions of activity and location, Next has built a solution where costs are automatically posted to activity and/or location if this is set up on a work order or VO. If work orders and VO are already being transferred to the financial system, it suffices to set up the dimensions on the work order, and cost lines will automatically get the accounting per default. The accounting can manually be changed on the respective line.

Setting Up Projects and Reporting Back

The dimensions of activity and location are included on all lines that generate a cost, such as order lines, hours, and booked costs, similar to the account dimension. These dimensions are also present in the purchase module and e-invoicing. Unlike the account dimension, these rarely exist in financial systems. To facilitate users in assigning costs to the dimensions of activity and location, Next has developed a solution whereby costs are automatically posted to an activity and/or location if set up on a work order or additional work order (VO). If work orders and additional work orders (VO) are already being transferred to the financial system, it's sufficient to set up the dimensions on the work order, and cost lines will automatically be accounted for accordingly. This accounting can manually be changed on the respective line.


The document details various permissions associated with module and administrative functionalities within the Next system. These permissions are crucial for defining user permissions and ensuring secure and efficient project management.

Module Permissions

Type of Permission




Record cost/income/ Change Activity/Location

Allows the user to adjust the columns Activity and Location



Grants the user the permission to manage the budget module


Budget/Lock budget revision

Allows the user to lock and unlock a budget revision



Grants the user the permission to create purchase entries and lines via the budget module



Allows the user to create, edit, lock, and remove forecasts

Administrative Permissions

Type of Permission




Activity-based budget and forecast

Activates the columns Activity and Location in Next


Manage activity

Access to the registry


Manage location

Access to the registry


Registers are essential for standardizing the codes and names used within the system for activities, locations, and account types. These registers provide a foundation for categorizing financial transactions and project-related activities.

Register Category

Register Name




Standard register for activity codes and names



Standard register for location codes and names


Account Type

Used for naming account types during calculation imports for summarizing rows and shown in the budget

Project Setup and Reporting Back

The dimensions of activity and location are present on all lines that generate a cost (order lines, hours, and booked costs) just like the account dimension.

These dimensions are also found in the purchasing module and E-invoice.

Unlike the account, these dimensions are rarely present in financial systems. To facilitate for the users and allocate costs to the dimensions of activity and location, Next has developed a solution whereby costs are automatically posted to activity and/or location if this is set up on a work order or VO (additional work order).

If work orders and VO are already being transferred to the financial system, it is sufficient to set up the dimensions on the work order, and the cost lines will automatically be accounted for accordingly. The posting can manually be changed on each respective line.


It is possible to determine a specific account where VO revenue should be shown in the forecast. This setting is called PrognosisRevenueAccount.

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