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Alternative Absence Project
Updated over a week ago

Alternative Absence Project

To provide information that many construction companies are obliged to report, you can now mark projects as "Agreement" in the Next client, as well as report absence via mobile on alternative absence project, and "Include alternative absence project" when a payroll file is retrieved. This is to supplement the information and reporting that takes place via the Payroll System.

Contact Next Support if you wish to activate this in your Next Project.

When reporting time in the mobile phone, there is a field for an alternative absence project.

The project specified in Administration-Settings-Office/Company is still the main absence project. It is in that project that the absence is shown in the client but with info about the piecework project in the column "Alternative absence project" in Hours project and in the details of reporting in Hours person and Certify hours & travel. No absence will be shown in Book hours in the piecework project.

No cost will be charged to the specified alternative absence project in Next Project.

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