Go to Admin - Users/Permissions
See which groups the user is connected to
See what permissions the user has
Go to Admin - Groups/Permissions
Create/change authorization group
Should the group be staffed manually?
Go to Admin - Project Permissions
Select projects where permissions should be set
Check the group that should have access
Should it include underlying projects?
If Manual staffing is to be used, go to the Staffing tab - tick who should have access to the project.
Don't forget to give everyone (except external persons) access to the Absence project!
Always check which groups a person is a member of before starting the authorization setup, document how the groups should be set up and who should have access where.
Step-by-step setup
Here follows a brief description of a basic setup with project authorization, the manual is based on an example with a fictitious company to make it easier to understand the flow.
The company Svensk Markentreprenad has twenty professionals and four project managers - Mats, Erik, Sanna and Lotten. There is also a person who acts as a team base on projects where there is a need.
The project managers run their own projects and also report time against these, and in cases where you have absences or other time, you also report against internal projects and the absence project in Next Project. Each project manager has his own project manager node/project where you enter your own projects.
The company also has several hired UEs who should be able to report time against selected projects - this is something you want to be able to control from time to time when you procure UEs for a project.
In the office, there are two administrators who handle invoicing and payroll administration, as well as a CEO who wants insight into all projects. The auditor also requires inspection annually to reconcile.
Identify the base set of permissions
It is a very important step to first sit down and draw up how the rights should look, who should access what and which projects. Here you can easily mess it up if you don't think clearly.
In the case of Svensk Markentreprenad, the following needs have been identified:
The CEO must have access to everything;
Administrators must have access to everything except management of the project overview;
All project managers should only be able to see their own projects in Next Project and report time onto them and the Internal time projects as well as rep the Absence project. In their projects, they must be allowed to do everything except lock invoices and send them to the customer;
Tradespersons must be able to report time, register work orders and deviation orders as well as view documents in all projects;
The base team must have the same rights as service workers, but must also be able to use the Diary function on the projects;
Subcontractors should be able to manually add to selected projects but not register new Work or Deviation orders (but must be able to put time against them);
The auditor must have read permission to invoices, booked costs/revenues, booked hours and the project overview.
Setting up permissions in Next Project
All permissions to different parts of Next Project are set via the Groups/Permissions tab in the Admin area. In Next Project, you set up authorization as below:
Create groups by clicking the add button under Groups/Permissions (mark if it should have manual staffing to be able to choose people manually when assigning authorization to projects).
Assign members to the group (top right)
Assign module permissions (lower left)
Assign administrative rights (lower right)
Assign permissions to projects (to entire groups or with manual staffing) on the Project Permissions tab
In the case of the company Svensk Markentreprenad, you need to create several new groups to get the authorization. We recommend that you create new groups and make them ready and then delete the old groups - this is to avoid the risk that an old legacy of rights remains and disturbs, this can result in you seeing too much or too little in Next Project.
Person/ employee |
Possible new group to be created |
Project view authorization |
Project write authorization |
Admin rights |
Management (new group) |
All |
All |
All |
Administrator |
Administrators |
Standard |
Standard |
Standard |
Project Manager |
Every PM should have their own group where they themselves are a member |
All |
All except lock and send invoices |
Standard that exists in the Project Managers group today. |
Tradesperson |
Users (already exists) |
Standard |
Standard |
Standard |
Subcontractor |
Subcontractor (new group) |
Same as Tradesperson |
Standard as Tradesperson, does not create WOs/DOs |
Standard |
Auditor |
Auditor (new group) |
All |
None |
Use Web Client, Chart of accounts, Customers, Suppliers, Hourly Rates, Price list |
Once the groups have been created, permissions to read and edit have been set, members have been assigned to the groups and the administrative rights have been assigned to EACH group, the project permissions should be assigned to the projects. Switch on Project Authorization on projects.
The procedure for this is as follows:
Go to Administration - Users/Permissions - Project Permissions, then select the project to be assigned permissions.
Select which groups should have access to the project. Check the Access box.
If underlying projects should be included in the rights, if the right should be “inherited” down to underlying projects, check the box 'Forward access to sub-project'
If a group is highlighted in gray (e.g. Superadmins below in the image), it is because the group already inherits the permission to this project from a project that is further up in the project tree.
The 'Project Authorization' tab has two sub-tabs - 'Group' and 'Staffing'. The Group tab has been covered above. The Staffing tab is used to manually staff projects with resources, e.g. a particular designated subcontractor or user.
In the window above, the window 'Users' appears. Here you select the people who should have access to the project (if the group is set up with Manual Staffing). The 'Show default staffing' checkbox shows the people who are in the group by default - these cannot be changed. If you want to manually staff a project, e.g. you want only a specific subcontractor to have access to the project - then simply click and select that person and save.
Once the project has been staffed with group/manual staffing, the permissions apply immediately - everyone needs to reload Next Project for it to take effect - both Mobile and in Web Client.
Example setup of groups and authorizations
Using our example company Svensk Markentreprenad, the authorizations would look like this:
Project name |
Permissions (groups) |
Observations |
All |
Inherit all rights from the main project to underlying projects |
Lotten |
PM Lotten, Users, Base team |
Inherit/transfer rights from this project to underlying projects |
Mats |
PM Mats, Users, Base team |
Inherit/transfer rights from this project project to underlying projects |
Erik |
PM Erik, Users, Base team |
Inherit/transfer rights from this project project to underlying projects |
Sanna |
PM Sanna, Users, Base team |
Inherit/transfer rights from rights from this project to underlying projects |
Subcontractors |
Subcontractors, Manual Staffing according to individual needs |
No inheritance |
All |
Administrators |
Inherit all rights from the main project to underlying projects |
Absence |
All groups except subcontractors |
No inheritance |
Internal hours |
All groups except subcontractor |
No inheritance |
All |
Administrators |
Manage payroll files |
Note! If the project managers are to be able to report time on each other's projects, you should create a group called e.g. PM Time Reporting to which you only give the Report time mobile permission, then you allow the group Access (in Project Permissions) in the projects you want them to be able to report time on. In Web Client, the Project Manager will see the projects that they are authorized to add time to, but they will only see content under the Booked hours tab on these projects.
If you have any questions about the setup - please contact eftermarknad@next-tech.com for more information - we will be in touch with you to schedule a walk-through.