Watch a short video on how to create invoices. If you prefer a text guide, it is available further down on the page.
Ongoing invoicing can also be done through the Work Order module; see the section on Invoicing from Work Orders.
In the Invoice module, press the + icon.
In the dialog box, make your choices (described below).
Enter an Invoice Heading.
Invoice Options: Choose Current account Invoice. Note: For ongoing invoicing, the final invoice option does not need to be used. The system always retrieves everything that has not been invoiced before. The final invoice function is described in the Final Invoice section.
If the invoice should only include a specific time period, click on the Period Filter option and specify the period. Tip! Always specify "To" so that any additional older entries are always included, and the risk of losing invoicing is avoided.
Hide mark up means that any mark up on supplier invoices will not be visible on the invoice.
Hide Code means that article and hour codes will not be visible on the invoice.
Check the "reverse charge" option if the invoice concerns reverse charge, or "No VAT" if the entire invoice is VAT-free. See the VAT section.
Tax Reduction Type, see the Tax Reduction Invoicing section.
Supplier Invoices:
Specify if supplier invoices should be included in the invoice and how they should be presented.
Booked Hours:
Specify if hours should be included in the invoice and how they should be presented.
Order Lines:
Specify if order lines should be included in the invoice and how they should be presented.
Advanced Work Order / Variation Order:
Specify if you want to include all costs on the project or only those on the project's base commitment.
When you press "Save," the invoice underlying is created. If there are hours that are not approved, you will receive a warning. You can choose to answer "No" (do not create the invoice), review and approve the hours, and then create the invoice again. If you answer "Yes" without approving the hours, the invoice underlying will be created without those hours.
Once the invoice underlying is created, you can make any corrections directly in the Invoice Lines tab. Corrections made in the Invoice module do not affect reported hours, own order lines, or costs. The history is maintained; only the invoice content is changed. See the Invoice Lines tab section for more details.
Attachments are included by checking them in the Invoice Attachments tab.
Always review the invoice report before proceeding! Click on the PDF icon, press preview, and choose report options. For example, if invoice attachments should be included in the report.
If you see something you want to correct, close the report, make your corrections, and review the report again. Repeat until you are satisfied. When you are done, check Ready for Invoicing, which allows the invoice/accounting administrator to review the formality before sending the invoice to the customer and the accounting system.
To review, lock, and send the invoice, see articles on C-invoice.