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Next Field
Next Field
56 articles
How to delegate a task to someone from the contact list in your phone.
Create a Next Field Project
Leave a project
What does the different roles in Next Field mean?
How to change password on Android/Web
Register an employee
Change name on drawings/blueprints
Upscale the resolution/quality on 'Drawings' in PDF format
Delete a drawing/blueprint
FORMS Builder - Camera
FORMS Builder - Tabular
Copy items (tasks)
Fill out Forms (Checklists) in the Field app
Delete an image from a checklist report
Columns and filters in the Item list (web)
Use 'Tags' to organize your project's items
Item tag manager (Standardized tags)
Add/edit project information
Create an item (task) from the web
Add/edit tags in your project
Use a QR code to access a forms template (checklist)
What are Forms in Next Field?
What is beta functionality in Next Field?
Active tasks (Items) - how to monitor and follow up on active tasks in Next Field
Forms builder: Text - Beta
How to edit your profile information
Register an employee
Where can I download the CHECKD Field app?
How to remove an employee from your company, or a person from a project in Next Field?
How to change password on Android/Web
Change password on iPhone/iPad/iOS
Leave a project
How to change name of report
See the drawing the item is placed on from app
Place a item on drawing, after you have created it
Forms Notification alerts
Create an Item (task) without attaching it to a drawing or location
Delete project
Change name on drawings/blueprints
Forms builder: Image - Beta
Change name on drawings/blueprints
Create a report
Privacy policy (GDPR) for Next Field
Remove a person from a project
Columns and filters on the item list under drawings
Upscale the resolution/quality on 'Drawings' in PDF format
Add/edit tags in your project
Create standardized tags for your company's projects
Delete a drawing
Delete an image from a checklist report
How to delegate a task to someone from the contact list in your phone.
Process for removing employees
Pro tips for creating a project
How to work as a field worker in CHECKD
Lagnuage used in Next Field